Sunday, January 13, 2013

Things to figure out...

I realized a week had gone by and I had not written a single post, although I was doing some art every evening after work. Mostly I was too tired (after teaching Middle School all day) to stay up and extend it to the blog.

In light of that I want to figure out how to get photos onto the blog more quickly. I may try via my phone although then I don't have a chance to crop or adjust brightness or anything, which makes me wonder if I need to do that anyway?

I need to ask around and see what other art-posting bloggers do. I already know that a couple of people who do cooking (Paleo) blogs spend a couple of hours a night on their blogs... I am not willing to do that. Teaching during the day only leaves me with a certain amount of time and energy in the evenings and I don't want to spend it all putting things on a blog.

So that brings me to the other thing I realized I needed to figure out: why am I doing the blog?

For me it is more a record keeping way for me to see what I have been doing artwise. So I ask myself, "Self, why can't you just post to Flickr and not worry about the blog?" I do like the times when people respond to things I have posted but then I could see that in Flickr too.

I spent some time yesterday looking at the art blogs I enjoy and realized most of them (95% maybe) also have the blog because they do other things online: online classes, sell in Etsy, etc. They use the blog both to show people what they are doing but also as a constant reminder of their classes, shop, etc. I have neither, so again, is a blog necessary or just a place to put photos?

I need to think about this...
But today I am going to go play with the gelli printing plate and do other art with a new art friend in Tracy. I always get so inspired when I can art play with friends.


  1. This is why I upload pictures to Facebook and don't post on my blog much (ever) :-)

    1. I know! LOL Although I do enjoy your musings when you get to them!

  2. This is a question that crosses my mind too, from time to time. People I know either love blogs or can't see the point of them. My blog serves as an illustrated journal and it's a pleasure to be able to keep in touch with our four children and five grandchildren (in England, Canada and Holland) and to show them a bit of our lives here in France.

    I'm as mad about photography as I am about reading and writing. I'm working on making a Flickr account to post more pics - can't expect readers to scroll down for too long! I blog with Dotclear who make the downloading (uploading?) very simple and very fast.

    1. Sometimes I just have to figure out why I do things... and the blog is one of those things that sometimes makes sense to me and other times is more of an annoyance. Maybe the question is less why do a blog but who am I blogging for? If I use it as a sort of journal for me I tend to do better at keeping it going.
      I just marvel at those who can blog daily (or many times a week) and still do a day job AND do their creative work.

  3. Rhonda, I started out the same way...mostly posting as a way to record my artwork journey. I'm still not the best at posting regularly by far but I still love the community it fosters with other artists. Remember,do what feels comfortable and convenient for you....and thank you for following me!


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