Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Stop and smell the flowers

I have been crazy busy the last few weeks and the other day it hit me: why am I doing this? I have a gazillion art projects and sewing projects and things to keep me occupied and there I was, sitting at my desk, not wanting to do ANYTHING. My body and brain were fighting back: I am retired -- I don't need to be doing something every moment of the day. I was so tired from running to this class and that class and doing part of one online course then rushing over to another one...

So I stopped for a day and let my thoughts rush in and boy was I in for a surprise! It turns out I really do not know what I want to be doing with this part of my life! I had so many options that I was overwhelmed.

Time to step back a bit, think about my word for the year:
OPEN. Yes I was open to everything -- was that a problem? Or could I learn to be open to ideas and let them flow through me? Did I have to DO everything I thought of, or could I just notice and let it go?  It was obvious to me I needed to work on this idea.

And my CDFs (core desired feelings from the Danielle LaPorte Desire Map book): had been taking a back seat to all my running around lately. Time to reflect on these:
Unencumbered: started on a major house cleaning then sort of stopped when I got so busy arting and sewing. Need to return to this one.
Aligned: well I have not done as much yoga as I thought I might be doing, what is stopping me?
Vibrant: well the art stuff is happening -- lots of color, but there is still something missing -- I am not as happy about creating my art as I thought I would be. I keep asking myself this question:  What is my art asking of me?
Connected: I am getting out and seeing friends, but there is more I need/want to work on for this one.
Mindful: at first I was thinking of this for eating and it has sort of been happening, but I want it happening in more areas of my life too.

I think I will be doing more sitting back and reflecting today...


  1. These are some thought provoking questions.....and ones I should be asking myself as well. Last night I was up working on a couple projects at once, then rushing to scan and post the projects, then plan what to do for my online class - I hear you! Is all that scurrying really for me? Is it improving or forwarding my art, or just keeping my mindlessly busy? You've really touched a chord and I need to stop and reflect also.....

    1. Glad to hear I am not the only one dealing with this! I think it is affecting a lot of us who art retired artsy types... thanks for your comments!

  2. Great post! Being mindful is certainly a good thing....and finding the right balance.

    1. Yes Pamela, it is that balance that is sometimes so hard to find! Glad you stopped by!

  3. It's good to take the time step back and think for a while hope you are feeling refocused.
    Clare x

    1. Thanks Clare, it is a process to refocus and I am working on not rushing it! Thanks for your comment!

  4. When we retire, there are so many things we want to do that "we didn't have time to do before." We are still in a mindset to squeeze too many things into a day or week. I think after we dive into all of our interests, we figure out what we really find enjoyable and how to move at a different pace. Good luck.

    1. Yes I am sure that is what it is... and I am still in the learning curve. Looking forward to relaxing more! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  5. I get it! I'm not retired but I do understand. Your body is telling you that you are off course. I would take a week rather than a day to do less and listen. Figure out what you really want to be doing. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

    1. Diane, yes it is indeed taking more than just a day to reflect... still at it days later! I need to heed my word for the year and be OPEN to however long it takes! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. These are very wonderful questions for anyone to apply to their life where ever they are. It sure has me thinking about things.


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