Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Last lazy days of summer...

I have been going out to my classroom a little in the mornings to get it ready for the new school year (we start next week) but mostly have been spending my last week being lazy in the heat.

Tomorrow I am getting my car AC fixed so I can finally drive without gasping for air if I am out past around noon! I am so not a sun bunny!

And I got signed up for the On-Ramp (beginners) class for Crossfit starting in September. It is 3x a week for 3 weeks even though I will have to miss the last class because our school has Back-to-School Night then. Then I can take any of the regular classes so it is my goal to get there at least 2x a week, 3x if I can during the 3 month membership anyway. They want you to commit to 3 months at first because the body doesn't change overnight and it might take a couple of months to see results. Makes sense. I just hope I can walk after the first class!

So this afternoon when I let Maggie outside I noticed the roses were especially bright so I took a few pictures while she did her doggie business...


Wish we had smell-o-vision for these! They sniff good!!




and I noticed there were still a few apricots hiding so I picked those too...



  1. Those are amazing pictures of the roses! I may have to 'borrow' them :-) I love rose bushes!

  2. Anytime Liz! Andy has been really watering them this year so they are turning out well even in the heat!

  3. these roses are a delight to look at... and if they even smell good - i would sit in that garden all day long:)

  4. Thanks johanna, and yes they smell great! That is my first criteria for buying a rose. Smell first then color!

  5. Beautiful shots of the roses. You have a steady hand and a good eye.

  6. Thanks Carol! The roses beg to be photographed! Even with my little digital point and click! (I do find if I hold my breath the photos get better!)


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