It didn't come easily this year.
For starters, I looked back to 2017 and realized I really had not focused much of my life around my word for the year or my CDFs... HERE is the explanation for all that.
Time to refocus and get an idea of what might work for me in 2018.
So I started making lists of possible words: change, observe, finish, regroup, see any pattern here?
My husband suggested ENGAGE complete with GIF of Picard from ST:TNG but cute as that was, it isn't the engagement (or starting) part that stops me... it is the continuing part.
Then it came to me... just like you have to complete a swing in baseball or golf, or keep the pool cue going in pool... you need follow-through. I don't completely understand why in sports but I see it is a major part of what I lack in projects getting done.
I never have a problem getting excited about the start of a project but often once that initial energy wans, I am left with yet another unfinished project. Part of my intentions for this year is to get things done, finish projects...
So a few days late this year, but I have found my word: FOLLOW-THROUGH.
And, in keeping with what I have been doing for the last few years, I came up with some Core Desired Feelings (CDFs). These are also explained on the link above from last year.
My CDFs are once again repeats with a couple of changes:
In 2018 I will be:
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